Although we’d never encourage our guests to miss out on the incredible bespoke menus our team of talented chefs create, there is something to be said for sticking to foods that will do your body good. Here are a few tips on how to make sure your body is prepared before you hit the slopes, during your time skiing and how best to repair your body in the evening.

Stay Hydrated

One of the most important tips we can give you is to make sure you keep your body topped up with plenty of water. It can ease common complaints that a lot of skiers get like nausea, headaches and fatigue, and will allow your muscles to repair much more easily than if you were dehydrated.

Eat Breakfast

Most of you probably do this already – but if you tend to skip breakfast at home, you should make sure you don’t skip it before skiing. To get the most out of the day ahead you must make sure your body has the energy it needs to hit the slopes and enjoy the day.

Keep Snacking

By making sure your body has the odd boost of energy during the day, you won’t need to miss out on an afternoon’s skiing time. Pack a few snacks to keep you going. Choose snacks that have some carbohydrate and a little protein, to minimise the damage to your muscles, and make sure they’re a handy size so that you can pop a couple into your ski jacket and eat on-the-go.

Break for Lunch

Some people just don’t want to stop – but taking a break for an hour or so will give your body time to rest and allow you to replace lost energy. Go for a combination of carbohydrate, lean protein and healthy fats – plus some fruit to finish up with.

Listen to your body while you’re out on the slopes and keep yourself fuelled up for the day. Just make sure you let your hair down, too – you’re on holiday, after all!

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